Saturday, December 4, 2010

An End and a Beginning

The semester is drawing to an end. How cliche is that?

January 12, 2011 to Chengdu, China. Me.

I intend to maintain this blog even and especially when I return to China. In fact, part of my intentions when I started maintaining this was to attempt to keep people who may be far away somewhat informed about what's going on in my life. I don't know if the structure and/or contents of these writings will be altered upon my departure in the beginning of my real life (i.e. life after university), but, in any case, it is my desire to continue writing!

Something to look forward to. We all need something to look forward to.


One of the things I hate most in the world is when a fellow student answers a question which I have very intentionally posed to a professor/teacher. I clench my jaw and nod at the professor (who is often still answering my question) and try not to unleash hell upon the fellow student.

To me, American radio has finally found it: Rihanna's Only Girl is strong Europop. Solid.

"In November it's dark and cold and the Christmas songs don't lift morale until classes are finished." -Canadian triathlete Ian Donald

I simply could not agree more.

9 days until my last final!


"I said not long before that work and weakness are comforters. But Sweat is the kindest creature of the three- far better than philosophy, as a cure for ill thoughts."
-from Till We Have Faces, C.S. Lewis

There is nothing sacred when living with one's family.
There is nothing sacred when one has a 13-year-old brother.

My family watches movies that they own, but they only watch them when they come on television.

Only things in the past can be true or false.

"Here's a case where, if you're ever going to get vertigo, this is it."

"I'm so cool that I say "negative G's"... you should infer that I am very manly and masculine.

"I once dated a guy named Atilla. It didn't work out.................. never believe anything I say."
-you guessed it... Philosophy Professor
-(might be the last quotes from him, ever!)

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