Verbal Jint (ft. Tablo and Mithra Jin)- 내리막
Ester Dean and Carlinhos Brown- Let Me Take You to Rio (Thanks Ashley T.!)
Epik High- Born Hater
Paramore ft. Joy Williams- Hate to See Your Heart Break (An old favorite from two old favorites!)
Corinne Bailey Rae- Call Me When You Get This
EDX- Cool You Off
Daddy Yankee- La Rompe Carro
Lady Antebellum- One Great Mystery
Red Astaire- No Mo'
Why do I do the things I don't want to?
Why don't I do the things that I know I should do?
If there is anything frustrating about my Spanish studies right now it's that my speaking level is that of a pre-toddler. I'm still listening and absorbing what I hear and trying to replicate it and produce my own version of it, all while my curiosity and previous language study experiences leave me asking technical questions that would, admittedly, generally be considered too advanced for me right now. This is not at all a bad thing and I imagine it's very common for adult language learners to find themselves feeling this way. It's a waiting game, and I'm fairly patient. I'm all too aware that I need to go through this portion of the foundation-building process and I am so glad to have a tutor who only has the responsibility of one student (i.e. we can move through language and specifically grammar set pieces exclusively according to my learning pace). This being said, the curiosity kills me sometimes, and I believe it's the same curiosity that attracts me to figuring out languages in the first place.
I haven't forgotten my Mandarin (yet).
It would be much easier to not know Mandarin right now as I try to learn Spanish... I translate my grammatical structures through a Mandarin filter before speaking in Spanish which slows everythiiiiinnnnnngggggggg ddddddooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
"In a good way, I've matured. I hope after listening to this song, you realize that this too shall pass, when you feel like nothing makes sense or ask yourself 'what am I going to do?' The day will come when you will laugh about it with your friends and think, "How did I ever overcome it?"
This shed some light...
My sense is that all of this hargwarsh is just better encouragement than ever for everyone to love whatever the hell kind of music they want to love, and to love it with all of their hearts.
What greater immediate purpose does music have than to move us... to dance, to move, to laugh, to cry, to emote, to feel something?
My High is Epik
Thank goodness it is not possible to OD on music. Lights' Little Machines would have done me in.
After traveling from the US to China, back to the US, then to Honduras within a reasonably short period of time, I admit my current bias toward airlines based in (and domestic flights run by them in) the United States. The stewardesses on the domestic flight were less intrusive than the ones on all of the other flights, and the pilots "let" us use our electronic devices much, much earlier and turn them off much, much later. The woman sitting beside me during the flight from Chengdu to Guangzhou got a good talking to by a stewardess for having her phone out. I was embarrassed for her- that kind of talking to.
Beau is ready for winter:
The sky is beautiful:
The airplane has a wing:
Tessy is a puppy:
And this still happens sometimes:
Talking with someone who is on the other side of the planet at morning and night is comforting in a way that I never thought about- you fall asleep and close your eyes and leave the world and drift into unconsciousness, but your recently-awoken friend carries on with consciousness, like a torch of life has been passed on and, because of that, a more fullness of life is attained for all.
Dixi walked into my room a few days ago:
D: "You are gonna be embarrassed on Friday."
C: "Whaa... Why... am I gonna be embarrassed... on Friday?"
D: "Cuz it's gonna be a beautiful day but you're still gonna be ugly."
C and D: HAhAHAHahahaha
She's a sweet girl, really.
The (or "An") age of innocence might be lost when the desire to look cool to others becomes more important than the desire to do and be whatever someone is. It may follow that the earlier a culture begins the process of actively (though subliminally?) encouraging (young) individuals to be "cool" and recognized as "cool", the sooner the age of innocence ends.
Part 1
Part 2
Thanks Taylor M.!
I was learning the names of some professions in Spanish with my Spanish teacher. Casually and in an effort to give me a chance to talk, she asked me what my profession is. I laughed and said I don't have one. She, in turn, gave me the profession, "Hombre de idiomas".